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Barrington, IL - USA

The Perfume Passage Museum

Wallstanding showcases

The museum and the collection

The Perfume Passage Museum was established on the estate of the Sanfilippo family, who are private collectors. The museum is dedicated to preserving the history, beauty and artistry of perfume bottles and related items. One of its galleries is the Vault, which highlights the beauty and significance of the perfume collection with hand-illustrated mural installations, wall panels and display cases. The design of this gallery was kept minimalistic and dark on purpose, so all focus would go to the artefacts. Some of the treasures in this gallery are a perfume bottle which belonged to Napoleon and a cosmetic vessel from 1500 BC. 

The assignment

Luci Creative/Ravenswood, who were already familiar with our modular cases, selected us to supply the custom cases for this project. For the Perfume Vault, we produced 16 freestanding and wallstanding display cases, which we installed during a tight implementation schedule. The cases are equipped with extra white layered security glass and passive climate control, as well as glass shelving.

Freestanding museum caseswall standing museum casesmuseum caseswallstanding cases

The Perfume Passage Museum


Meyvaert Solutions





Type of museum

Private museum


Luci Creative


16 Meyvaert Solution showcases

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Photos: Luci Creative

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