
"Explore the timeless tricks of forgery and navigate the fine line between illusion and reality!"


The phenomenon of fake news is an ancient one. History is filled with countless examples of fake masquerading as real. Imagine a place filled with numerous fake or falsified objects from different European countries, from various historic ages. More than 100 remarkable artefacts, as well as films and interactive games, unveil the fascinating world of forgery and falsification throughout history. 

Welcome to the House of European History's traveling exhibition, Fake (F)or Real. This adventure has arrived at the second stop of its European tour: the National Ethnographic Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria.  

The exhibition kicked off in Greece earlier this year and will stay in Bulgaria until October 20th before moving to the Blinken OSA Archivum in Hungary.

Finally, amidst all this forgery & fakeness, some true facts: to make this traveling exhibition possible, the museum required conservation-grade showcases which had to be demountable, storable, and easy to transport. Meyvaert provided 21 wall-recessed cases, 1 modular case, and 3 table cases to beautifully, effectively and safely present, preserve and protect all objects.

Our scope also included custom-built mounting supports for 102 artifacts with adaptable functionality, and on top of that, a large portion of the audiovisual hardware and software has been recycled from the inventory of the House of European History, a project that was also executed by yours truly back in 2017. 

Design: facts and fiction 

© Tony Tonchev

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