
"Have a look at the recently published 'Clear as Glass. Key Considerations for Museum Showcases' by Bart Ankersmit, in cooperation with our Technical Director Peter Vereecken & Senior Product Developer Bavo Verhoeven!"

This publication serves as a practical guide for setting out standards for museum showcases. It covers various aspects such as security, airtightness, and climate control. Additionally, it briefly explains several examples of special display cases.

The article is intended for designers, education staff, conservators, curators, and enthusiasts who are involved in the use and development of showcases in museums, and aims to provide comprehensive guidelines and practical insights into the essential features and maintenance of museum showcases, ensuring the effective preservation and presentation of exhibits.

Author: Bart Ankersmit
Text Editing: Anne Versloot
Content Editing: Agnes Brokerhof, Peter Vereecken, Mark Stappers, Foekje Boersma, Marco Martens, Gabrielle Beentjes, Nina Dugen, Agnes Vugts
Design: Xerox/OSAGE
Cover Photo: © Bart Ankersmit

All other photos in this report, unless otherwise stated: © Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed)

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