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Williamsburg, VA - USA

Jamestown Settlement

The museum and the collection

The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation operates two living history museums that draw 600,000 visitors per year. The Jamestown Settlement is one of its museums, devoted to 17th century Virginia history and culture, where English, Native American and African influences converged. It features both outdoor and indoor exhibits.

The exhibition “Tenacity: Women in Jamestown and Early Virginia” tells the personal experiences of the women in Jamestown and the Virginia colony, the struggles they faced and their impact on a fledgling society. Their stories are retold through historic documents, garments, furniture and other artefacts. The exhibition also sheds light on some of the more gruesome details of history, such as the use of public humiliation and corporal punishment. A 17th century oak ducking chair was used to dunk offenders into a body of water. It is one of the central exhibits placed in a modular display case.

The assignment

The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation needed display cases that were demountable and modular, as the Tenacity exhibit is temporary. We supplied 15 modular showcases with extra white glass and metal top with 8 dimmable LED spots for accent lighting. For their first exhibition, the museum opted to use the modular cases both as single units and in paired configurations.

modular showcasemodular showcasemodular showcasemodular showcase

Jamestown Settlement


Modular Freestanding Case





Type of museum



15 modular showcases

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