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Edmonton - Canada

Royal Alberta Museum

The museum and collection

The Royal Alberta Museum (RAM) is the largest museum in western Canada and one of Canada’s top museums. It reopened in October 2018 and features over 84,000 sq. ft of exhibition space. The RAM’s exhibits on natural and human history are among the finest of Canada. 

Visitors can also find a number of non-permanent, changing gallery spaces (approx. 24,000 sq.ft.) such as the Feature Gallery, the Textiles Gallery, the Alberta Stories Gallery and the Research Gallery. 

The assignment

We were selected to provide 71 standard cases and 50 Infinity showcases. 

The standard cases include 20 freestanding cases, 20 table cases, 30 hanging wall cases and 1 table case. Some of these cases have anti-reflective glass.

For the temporary galleries, the RAM selected 50 Infinity showcases. The Infinity is a modular and demountable solution that allows museum staff to easily change and adapt the layout of the temporary exhibitions.

Wall-hanging showcase and Infinity showcasesFreestanding Infinity showcasesGlass shelf and solid top inside Infinity showcaseModular setup of Infinity showcasesWall standing showcase

Royal Alberta Museum


Smart Solutions
Modular Freestanding Case





Type of museum



Michael Seguin,Head of Design&Production


Ralph Appelbaum Associates


71 standard showcases and 50 Infinity showcases


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Photos by Plaid Interactive

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